In Free

I am very proud to announce the release of my second book, How Weight Loss Surgery Really WorksIt’s available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle and I’m going to get started working on an audio version ASAP.  I’ve also got a plan for more YouTube videos that will rely heavily on audience participation – I’ll announce this separately in a few days.

When I wrote my first book, A Pound of Cure, I initially intended it to be nothing more than an extensive resource for my postoperative patients.  I was overwhelmed by the weight loss surgery patients around the globe who embraced the idea that they did not need to eat massive amounts of animal protein and could safely follow the same whole foods eating plan that everyone else is so excited about.

When I decided to write a second book, I set out with a much more challenging, and, I think, important goal.  Over the last 15 years, I’ve worked with thousands of people struggling with obesity and have seen the emotional damage that is caused by the incorrect assumption that the primary cause of obesity is a lack of willpower.  This single thought which continues to pervade our popular culture has done way too much damage to too many people. 

Our societal view of obesity has a long way to go before we, as a community, recognize that obesity is an unfair disease and that those who suffer are victims- not weak-minded individuals who are unable to control their appetite.

I wrote How Weight Loss Surgery Really Works in an attempt to convince those who suffer from obesity that:

  • obesity is a disease of fat storage, not a sign of personal failure
  • weight loss surgery works primarily by changing the hormonal state that regulates your appetite and metabolism and offers an opportunity to repair a broken fat storage system
  • Long term, durable weight loss (including after Bariatric Surgery) can only be achieved through permanent changes in your lifestyle that preserve and enhance these hormonal changes

Because many of the ideas that I present directly contradict the standard teachings of many (but definitely not all) Bariatric programs, it was important that I got everything right.  I cited 283 scientific references in this book.  I am certain that you will never think about Weight Loss Surgery the same way after reading this book. Whether you are just beginning the decision making process, or are twenty years post-op, there is something in this book that will change the way you think about weight gain and weight loss.

I’m very excited and proud of How Weight Loss Surgery Really Works and hope that it will become a must read for anyone considering Bariatric Surgery.  Obesity is one of the last forms of discrimination that remains culturally acceptable.  I am hopeful that the weight loss surgery community can become the group that changes this.  If this book can help you better understand the struggles that you’ve had with your own weight, you can use your weight loss success story to communicate to others How Weight Loss Surgery Really Works.

  • Rick Venable

    You state this is also beneficial for post op patients, so I’m looking forward to reading it.

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